Parish Plan
In 2012, the Parish Council supported the creation of a parish plan created by a small Focus group . They surveyed residents to determine what should be the direction of the Council and to identify needs and problems.
A detailed analysis was carried out by the Focus Group and they published a parish plan in 2014,. Copies were distributed to all households and the focus group presented to the Parish Council a proposed list of actions for the community and the Parish Council.
The Parish Council accepted this report and has tried to incorporate it into its priorities and discusses progress as agenda items at each meeting.
A childrens play area and equipment have now been provided in Acton Trussell. Defibrillators have been installed in three locations in Acton Trussell and one in Bednall. Exercise equipment for adults has also been provided on the recreation field in Acton Trussell with the support of the Mens's Society and South Staffordshire District Council. An affordable housing needs survey has been carried out in conjunction with South Staffordshire Housing Association. Although this identified residents wishes for some affordable housing, it was counterbalanced buy other residents who did not want any to be provided in the parish. The Consultant's housing needs report is attached and the Parish Council did not proceed in 2015. However on 2020 a proposal was made for Affordable Housing in Bednall in and this has now been approved. A Section 106 agreement requires the developer to construct a adjacent to this development which will serve the School and church to reduce traffic congestion at peak times..
Much greater community involvement has been generated and both Bednall and Acton Trussell compete in the Best Kept Village competitions.
The community website gives information on groups and activities in the parish.